Passio Sancti Eadmundi
Ed. W. W. Skeat
[Published in Ælfric's Lives of Saints, EETS 94 and 114, vol. II, pp. 314-334]
Critical Apparatus


SVM SWYÐE GELÆRED MUNUC com suþan ofer s fram sancte benedictes stówe on æþelredes cynincges dæge to dunstane ærce-bisceope þrim gearum ær he forðferde · and se munuc hatte abbo · þa wurdon hi æt spræce oþþæt dunstan rehte be sancte eadmunde · swa swa eadmundes swurd-bora hit rehte æþelstane cynincge þa þa dunstan iung man wæs · and se swurd-bora wæs for-ealdod man · Þa gesette se munuc ealle þa gereccednysse on anre béc · and eft ða þa seo bóc com to ús binnan feawum gearum þa awende we hit on englisc · swa swa hit her-æfter stent · Se munuc þa abbo binnan twam gearum · gewende ham to his mynstre and wearð sona to abbode geset on þam ylcan mynstre.   12

wæs snotor and wurðfull · and wurðode symble
mid æþelum þeawum þone ælmihtigan god ·  15
He wæs ead-mod · and geþungen · and swá an-ræde þurh-wunode
þæt he nolde abugan to bysmorfullum leahtrum ·
ne on naþre healfe he ne ahylde his þeawas ·
ac wæs symble gemyndig þære soþan lare ·
[gif] þu eart to heafod-men ge-set · ne ahefe þu ðe ·   20
ac beo betwux mannum swa swa an man of him ·
He wæs cystig wædlum and wydewum swa swa fæder ·
and mid wel-willendnysse gewissode his folc
symble to riht-wisnysse · and þam reþum styrde ·  24
and gesæliglice leofode on soþan geleafan ·
Hit ge-lamp ða æt nextan þæt þa deniscan leode
ferdon mid scip-here hergiende and sleande
wide geond land swa swa heora gewuna is ·  28
On þam flotan wæron þa fyrmestan heafod-men
hinguar and hubba · geanlæhte þurh deofol ·
and hí on norð-hymbra-lande gelendon mid æscum ·
and aweston þæt land · þa leoda ofslogon ·  32
Þa ge-wende hinguar east mid his scipum ·
and hubba belaf on norð-hymbra-lande ·
gewunnenum sige · mid wælhreownysse ·
Hinguar þa becom to east-englum rowende ·  36
on þam geare þe ælfred æðelincg · an and twentig geare wæs ·
se þe west-sexena cynincg siþþan wearð mære ·
And se fore-sæda hinguar færlice swa swa wulf
on lande bestalcode · and þa leode sloh  40
weras and wíf · and þa ungewittigan cild ·
and to bysmore tucode þa bilewitan cristenan ·
He sende ða sona syððan to þam cyninge
beotlic ærende · þæt he abugan sceolde  44
to his man-rædene gif he rohte his feores ·
Se ærendraca com þa to eadmunde cynincge
and hinguares ærende him ardlice abead ·
Hinguar ure cyning cene and sigefæst ·  48
on s and on lande · hæfð fela þeoda gewyld ·
and com nu mid fyrde færlice her to lande
þæt he her winter-setl mid his werode hæbbe ·
Nu het he þe dælan þine digelan gold-hordas ·  52
and þinra yldrena gestreon ardlice wið hine ·
and þu beo his under-kyning · gif ðu cucu beon wylt ·
for-ðan-þe ðu næfst þa mihte þæt þu mage him wið-standan.
Hwæt þa eadmund clypode ænne bisceop ·   56
þe him þa gehendost wæs and wið hine smeade
hu he þam reþan hinguare and-wyrdan sceolde ·
Þa forhtode se bisceop for þam færlican gelimpe ·
and for þæs cynincges life · and cwæþ þæt him rd þuhte   60
þæt he to þam gebuge þe him bead hinguar ·
Þa suwode se cynincg and beseah to þære eorþan ·
and cwæþ þa æt nextan cynelice him to ·
Eala þu bisceop to bysmore synd getawode   64
þas earman land-leoda · and me nu leofre wære
þæt ic on feohte feolle · wið þam þe min folc
moste heora eardes brucan · and se bisceop cwæþ ·
Eala þu loefa cyning þin folc lið ofslagen ·   68
and þu næfst þone fultum þæt þu feohtan mæge ·
and þas flot-men cumað · and þe cucenne gebindað
butan þu mid fleame þinum feore gebeorge ·
oððe þu þe swa gebeorge þæt þu buge to him ·   72
Þa cwæþ eadmund cyning swa swa he ful cene wæs ·
Þæs ic gewilnige and gewisce mid mode ·
þæt ic ana ne belife æfter minum leofum þegnum
þe on heora bedde wurdon mid bearnum · and wifum ·   76
færlice ofslægene fram þysum flot-mannum ·
Næs me næfre gewunelic þæt ic worhte fleames ·
ac ic wolde swiðor sweltan gif ic þorfte
for minum agenum earde · and se ælmihtiga god wát   80
þæt ic nelle abugan fram his biggengum æfre ·
ne fram his soþan lufe · swelte ic · lybbe ic ·
Æfter þysum wordum he gewende to þam ærendracan
þe hinguar him to sende · and sæde him unforht ·   84
Witodlice þu wære wyrðe sleges nu ·
ac ic nelle afylan on þinum fulum blode
mine clænan handa · forðan-þe ic criste folgie
þe us swa ge-bysnode · and ic bliðelice wille beon   88
ofslagen þurh eow gif hit swa god fore-sceawað ·
Far nu swiþe hraðe · and sege þinum reþan hlaforde ·
ne abihð næfre eadmund hingware on life
hæþenum here-togan · buton he to hælende criste   92
ærest mid ge-leafan on þysum lande gebuge ·
Þa ge-wende se ærend-raca ardlice aweg ·
and gemette be wæge þone wælhreowan hingwar
mid eallre his fyrde fuse to eadmunde ·   96
and sæde þam arleasan hu his geandwyrd wæs ·
Hingwar þa bebead mid bylde þam scip-here
þæt hi þæs cynincges anes ealle cepan sceoldon ·
þe his hæse forseah · and hine sona bindan ·   100
Hwæt þa eadmund cynincg mid þam þe hingwar com ·
stod innan his healle þæs hælendes gemyndig ·
and awearp his wæpna wolde geæfen-læcan
cristes gebysnungum · þe for-bead petre   104
mid wæpnum to winnenne wið þa wælhreowan iudeiscan ·
Hwæt þe arleasan þa eadmund gebundon
and gebysmrodon huxlice · and beoton mid saglum ·
and swa syððan læddon þone geleaf-fullan cyning   108
to anum eorð-fæstum treowe · and tigdon hine þær-to ·
mid heardum bendum · and hine eft swuncgon
langlice mid swipum · and he symble clypode
betwux þam swinglum mid soðan geleafan   112
to hælende criste · and þa hæþenan þa
for his geleafan wurdon wodlice yrre
for-þan-þe he clypode crist him to fultume ·
Hi scuton þa mid gafelucum swilce him to gamenes to · (sic)
oð þæt he eall wæs besæt mid heora scotungum   117
swilce igles byrsta · swa swa sebastianus wæs ·
Þa geseah hingwar se arlease flot-man ·
þæt se æþela cyning nolde criste wið-sacan ·   120
ac mid anrædum geleafan hine æfre clypode ·
het hine þa beheafdian and þa hæðenan swa dydon ·
Betwux þam þe he clypode to criste þagit
þa tugon þa hæþenan þone halgan to slæge ·   124
and mid anum swencge slogon him of þæt heafod ·
and his sawl siþode gesælig to criste ·
Þær wæs sum man gehende gehealdan þurh god ·
behyd þam hæþenum · þe þis gehyrde eall ·   128
and hit eft sæde swa swa we hit secgað her ·
Hwæt ða se flot-here ferde eft to scipe ·
and behyddon þæt heafod þæs halgan eadmundes ·
on þam þiccum bremelum þæt hit bebyrged ne wurde ·   132
Þa æfter fyrste syððan hi afarene wæron
com þæt land-folc to þe þær to lafe wæs þa ·
þær heora hlafordes lic læg butan heafde ·
and wurdon swiðe sarige for his slege on mode ·   136
and huru þæt hi næfdon þæt heafod to þam bodige ·
Þa sæde se sceawere þe hit ær geseah
þæt þa flot-men hæfdon þæt heafod mid him ·
and wæs him geðuht swa swa hit wæs ful soð   140
þæt hi behyddon þæt heafod on þam holte forhwega ·
Hi eodon þa secende ealle endemes to þam wuda ·
secende gehwær geond þyfelas and bremelas
gif hi a-hwær mihton gemeton (sic) þæt heafod ·   144
Wæs eac micel wundor þæt an wulf wearð asend
þurh godes wissunge to bewerigenne þæt heafod ·
wið þa oþre deor · ofer dæg · and niht ·
Hi eodon þa secende · and symle clypigende ·   148
swa swa hit gewunelice is þam ðe on wuda gað oft ·
Hwær eart þu nu gefera? and him andwyrde þæt heafod ·
Hér · hér · hér · and swa gelome clypode
andswarigende him eallum · swa oft swa heora ænig clypode ·   152
oþþæt hi ealle becomen þurh ða clypunga him to ·
Þa læg se græga wulf þe bewiste þæt heafod ·
And mid his twam fotum hæfde þæt heafod beclypped ·
grædig · and hungrig · and for gode ne dorste   156
þæs heafdes abyrian · [ac] heold hit wið deor ·
Þa wurdon hi ofwundrode þæs wulfes hyrd-rædenne ·
and þæt halige heafod ham feredon mid him ·
þancigende þam ælmihtigan ealra his wundra ·   160
ac se wulf folgode forð mid þam heafde ·
oþþæt hí to tune comon · swylce he tam wære ·
and gewende eft siþþan to wuda ongean ·
Þa land-leoda þa siþþan ledon þæt heafod   164
to þam halgan bodige · and bebyrigdon hine
sw swa hí selost mihton on swylcere hrædinge
and cyrcan arærdan sona him onuppon ·
Eft þa on fyrste æfter fela gearum ·   168
þa seo hergung geswác and sibb wearð forgifen
þam geswenctan folce · þa fengon hí togædere
and worhton ane cyrcan wurðlice þam halgan ·
for-þan-ðe gelome wundra wurdon æt his byrgene   172
æt þam gebæd-huse þær he bebyrged wæs ·
Hi woldon þa ferian mid folclicum wurðmynte
þone halgan lichaman · and læcgan innan þære cyrcan ·
þa wæs micel wundor þæt he wæs eall swa gehal   176
swylce he cucu wære mid clænum lichaman ·
and his swura wæs gehalod þe ær wæs forslagen ·
and wæs swylce an seolcen þræd embe his swuran r'æd
mannum to sweotelunge hu he ofslagen wæs ·   180
Eac swilce þe wunda þe þa wælhreowan hæþenan
mid gelomum scotungum on his lice macodon ·
wæron gehælede þurh þone heofonlican god ·
and he liþ swa ansund oþ þisne and-werdan dæg ·   184
and-bidigende æristes · and þæs ecan wuldres ·
His lichama us cyð þe lið un-fomolsnod
þæt he buton forligre her on worulde leofode ·
and mid clænum life to criste siþode ·   188
Sum wudewe wunode oswyn gehaten
æt þæs halgan byrgene on gebedum
and fæstenum manega gear syððan ·
seo wolde efsian ælce geare þone sanct ·   192
and his næglas ceorfan syferlice · mid lufe ·
and on scryne healdan to halig-dome on weofode ·
Þa wurðode þæt land-folc mid geleafan þone sanct ·
and þeodréd bisceop þearle mid gifum   196
on golde and on seolfre · þam sancte to wurðmynte ·
Þa comon on sumne sæl unge-sælige þeofas
eahta on anre nihte to þam arwurðan halgan
woldon stelan þa maðmas þe men þyder brohton ·   200
and cunnodon mid cræfte hu hi in cumon (sic) mihton ·
Sum sloh mid slecge swiðe þa hæpsan ·
sum heora mid feolan feolode abutan ·
sum eac underdealf þa duru mid spade ·   204
sum heora mid hlæddre wolde unlucan þæt ægðyrl ·
Ac hi swuncon on idel · and earmlice ferdon ·
swa þæt se halga wer hí wundorlice geband ·
ælcne swa he stod strutigende mid tole ·   208
þæt heora nan ne mihte þæt morð gefremman ·
ne hi þanon astyrian · ac stodon swa oð mergen ·
Men þa þæs wundrodon hu þa weargas hangodon ·
sum on hlæddre · sum leat to gedelfe ·   212
and ælc on his weorce wæs fæste gebunden ·
Hi wurdon þa ge-brohte to þam bisceope ealle ·
and he het hí hón on heagum gealgum ealle ·
Ac he næs na gemyndig hu se mild-heorte god   216
clypode þurh his witegan þas word þe hér standað ·
Eos qui duncuntur ad mortem eruere ne cesses ·
Þa þe man læt to deaðe alys hí ut symble ·
and eac þa halgan canones gehadodum forbeodað   220
ge bisceopum ge preostum · to beonne embe þeofas ·
for-þan-þe hit ne gebyraþ þam þe beoð gecorene
gode to þegnigenne þæt hi geþwærlæcan sceolon ·
on æniges mannes deaðe · gif hi beoð drihtnes þenas ·   224
Eft þa ðeodred bisceop sceawode his bec syððan
behreowsode mid geomerunge · þæt he swa reðne dóm sette
þam ungesæligum þeofum · and hit besargode æfre
oð his lifes ende · and þa leode bæd georne ·   228
þæt hi him mid fæstan fullice þry dagas ·
biddende þone ælmihtigan · þæt he him arian scolde ·
On þam land wæs sum man · leofstan gehaten ·
rice for worulde · and unwittig for gode ·   232
se rád to þam halgan mid riccetere swiðe ·
and het him æt-eowian orhlice swiðe ·
þone halgan sanct hwæþer he gesund wære ·
ac swa hraðe swa he geseah þæs sanctes lichaman ·   236
þa awedde he sona · and wæl-hreowlice grymetede ·
and earmlice geendode yfelum deaðe ·
Þis is ðam gelic þe se geleaffulla papa
gregorius sæde on his gesetnysse   240
be ðam halgan laurentie ðe lið on rome-byrig ·
þæt menn woldon sceawian symle hu he lage ·
ge gode ge yfele · ac god hi ge-stilde ·
swa þæt þær swulton on þære sceawunge ane   244
seofon menn ætgædere · þa geswicon þa oþre
to sceawigenne þone marytr mid menniscum gedwylde ·
Fela wundra we gehyrdon on folclicre sprære ·
be þam halgan eadmunde þe we hér nellaþ   248
on gewrite settan · ác hi wát gehwá ·
On þyssum halgan is swutel · and on swilcum oþrum ·
þæt god ælmihtig mæg þone man aræran
eft on domes dæg andsundne of eorþan   252
se þe hylt eadmunde halne his lichaman ·
oð þone micclan dæg þeah ðe he of moldan come ·
Wyrðe is seo stow for þam wurðfullan halgan
þæt hi man wurþige and wel gelogige   256
mid clæum godes þeowum · to cristes þeow-dome ·
for-þan-þe se halga is mærra þonne men magon asmeagan ·
Nis angel-cynn bedæled drihtnes halgena ·
þonne on engla-landa licgaþ swilce halgan   260
swylce þæs halga cyning is and cuþberht se eadiga ·
and sancte æþeldryð on elig · and eac hire swustor
ansunde on lichaman geleafan to trymminge ·
Synd eac fela oðre on angel-cynn halgan   264
þe fela wundra wyrcað · swa swa hit wide is cuð
þam ælmihtigan to lofe · þe hí on gelyfdon ·
Crist geswutelaþ mannum þurh his mæran halgan
þæt he is ælmihtig god þe macað swilce wundra   268
þeah þe þa earman iudei hine eallunge wið-socen ·
for-þan-þe hí synd awyrgede swa swa hí wiscton him sylfum ·
Ne beoð nane wundra geworhte æt heora byrgenum ·
for-ðan-þe hí ne gelyfað on þone lifigendan crist ·   272
ac crist geswutelað mannum hwær se soða geleafa is ·
þonne he swylce wundra wyrcð þurh his halgan
wide geond þas eorþan · Þæs him sy wuldor
á mid his heofonlican fæder · and þam halgan gaste (a buton
ende). AMEN.   276

Critical Apparatus (Right column only)